It seems like residential roofers are everywhere, and for homeowners and businesses who need roofing repair work or a new roof for their homes or businesses, it seems like that would be a good thing. The problem, however, is that not all residential roofers are created equal. In short, sometimes you get a good roofing contractor, and sometimes you don’t. It is also that very problem that the attached video attempts to help people avoid. What also makes those situations worse is that home and business owners also have to have the poor work of a less-than-quality roofing job repaired, which is only an added insult and injury.

If you are looking for a residential roofer, be sure to verify that you are talking to a licensed, insured, and experienced company. Yes, that means asking questions, so take the time to interview your roofer. Once you have vetted your list of roofers and narrowed your list down, the next thing to do is evaluate the quotes you have received. The price will be an obvious factor but also look at the breakdown of the quote. Once you have all the information, and you understand who your best options are, you should feel much better about who you hire, and hopefully, you will feel good about the results of your new roof too.